Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cooking Club Instructions

Ladies, welcome to the Once-a-Month Cooking Club! Gretchen and Krista are really excited about this idea! I think we all agree that the last thing we feel like doing at the end of each busy day is making dinner. So, we'd like to try a dinner swap of main entrees so that during this cold winter we have some home cooked meals on hand.

For those of you participating please post your entree selection (i.e. what you plan to make) for the next month. This way we won't end up with 20 lasagnas! Everyone please bring a four-serving entree per person to the swap. Each four-serving entree would be wrapped and ready to go straight to the freezer (foil, ziploc bags, etc). Consider a serving to be about a cup to a cup and a half. We're looking for main dishes only here! And do your best to make the dishes hearty and healthy.

To RSVP, just add a comment to this post. Also, please email us a copy of the recipe or bring several copies with you.

Be sure to use disposable dishes so that we don't have to worry about getting that casserole pan back to you once we've eaten your yummy meal.

Remember - Dishes that Freeze Well!

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